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//all things new//

In theory this sounds good.

I’ve been around lots of “new” lately and it’s making me ill. It’s not that I hate new and those who get to have it. It’s that my overwhelming love and desire for new combined with the abounding lack of it in my life causes me to live with an insalubrious (new word, just learned yesterday – it fits... I promise) hope for something better that just might be around the bend.

“New” mocks me.

Let me be honest. I like new. I want new. I need new. Why you ask? Because “new” brings about possibility. The possibility that the person we are today might become just slightly improved by morning. Now that sounds pretty good. Maybe the me of tomorrow will be in love, know what he wants to do with his life, and have a new Mac.

Now I understand that apathy has become sort of “my thing” as of late: questioning everything, wandering aimlessly, seeking seclusion, and punctuating my day with disdainful exhales and all… but judge lest ye be judged bitches. I’m in a funk.

I’ve come to the only logical conclusion possible I suppose:

I need Jesus.

Now, hear me out. I’m not talking about the sappy, overly emotional, “opiate of the masses” Jesus, but the real Jesus: the Jesus who makes all things new, Jesus. I desperately need him to come along side this mess that I’ve made and help me tidy up a bit. I guess we all know what that’s like.

Now, don’t you go jumping to conclusions. I’m not depressed. I’m simply fed up. I’ve been spending entirely too much time trying to straighten up so Jesus can stop by. If I’m smarter than I think I am, I’ll just go sit next to the pile of dirty clothes I call "this life" and wait for company to arrive.

But let’s be honest. I’ve already started hiding things in the closet and shoving the mess under my bed.


jayrod...i love when you write things like this. it's what i've been wanting to say, but i can't seem to express it near as well as you. have a good day bud.

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  • I'm jared slack
  • From Waco, Texas, United States
  • Only God can judge me.
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Truett Seminary



"A God who cannot suffer is poorer than any human. For a God who is incapable of suffering is a being who cannot be involved. Suffering and injustice do not affect him. And because he is so completely insensitive, he cannot be affected or shaken by anything. He cannot weep, for he has no tears. But the one who cannot suffer cannot love either. So he is also a loveless being." ------ Jurgen Moltmann

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